Log #21

Wednesday December 1st, 1999, Mexico—The International Voyage

Yes. OK. I know that sailing in British Columbia this summer officially qualified as international sailing. But not really. I mean, they speak the same language up there. (Mostly, eh?) We watch the same TV shows. (Except for some of that BBC stuff.) We eat the same foods. (Afternoon tea and cakes at the Empress Hotel in Victoria is a bit different, but we Americans can still grasp the concept.)

But now, after several weeks R&R in beautiful sunny San Diego, repairs have been completed, spare parts loaded on board, and, most importantly, lots of clean laundry. Now, after playing with our San Diego friends, and some exceptional experiences that impacted both body and soul, we've decided to sail on. This time, after unfurling sails and turning south, we cruise into the international waters of Mexico.

No Leave it to Beaver reruns south of the border. Instead of tea and cakes, its tortillas and cerveza. And most importantly—what really makes it seem like an official international destination—they don't speak English. Today, we get serious.

(But wait, not that serious!)

Dan and Debi

'We,' now includes crew mates—more like family—Dan and Debi Dinsmore from Seattle. Most recently Dan and Debi completed a two year position as captain and mate on the 68 foot motor yacht Renewal. They started in Seattle, with one season in Alaska 's Southeast and Prince William Sound. Last December they continued down the West Coast of North America, exploring Mexico, Costa Rica, and Southern Panama. After transiting the Panama Canal they continued north to the Western Caribbean, including San Andreas, Providencia, Roatan, Belize, and then around the Yucatan Peninsula to Florida. From there they cruised all the way to New England via the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW).

Dan and Debi have at least 25,000 sea miles together. And prior to starting Seaworthy Marine, Dan served as Chief Engineer for Crowley Maritime for twelve years, logging over 800,000 miles aboard commercial tug boats and as supervisor of Crowley’s executive yacht fleet.

I am in good hands.

Dan, Debi, and I have made an agreement: we're planning to sail together for as long as it works for us. That could be three months, six months, a year, or two. Whatever our on-board longevity, I couldn't have found more wonderful friends who are also extremely competent, capable sailors.

Everyone Needs a Theme Song

As we sail south this morning, we think about the need for a theme song. Doesn't everyone needs a theme song? Even Ally McBeal has one. After a burst of inspiration, we have settled on the item below, by the group Fastball.

For those of you comfortably secured by Puritan Ethic, who may think our voyage as bordering on lazy and irresponsible, our theme song will probably take you over the edge. If so, do not read any further.

For those of you who continue to seek vicarious adventure and reckless abandon through Andanté's continuing voyages, the following seems like an appropriate launch vehicle to share with you:


Karl, Debi, & Dan Embark for Mexico

"The Road" by Fastball

They made up their minds
and they started packing.

They left before the sun
came up that day.

An exit to an endless
summer of slacking.

But where were they going
without even knowing the way?

It's always summer;
they'll never get cold
Never go hungry,
never get old

Sounds like a plan. See you in Mexico.

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Log #22—The Baja Coast

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